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Canon Law places responsibility for parish financial and temporal management with the Pastor. The Parish Finance Council is a consultative group that plays a key role in assisting the Pastor.
The Council, composed of members with the appropriate expertise and possessing a love for the Church and its mission, can provide the Pastor valuable advice and assistance in the execution of his parish financial administration duties.
A Parish Finance Council can also help a parish maximize its financial resources and avert potential financial problems.
The Council does not have decision-making authority; it has only those duties and responsibilities envisioned by Canon Law and assigned to it by the Pastor.
In order to be effective in their responsibilities as Council members, members should have a thorough understanding of the parish’s mission, goals, structure and demographics; knowledge of diocesan statutes and policies regarding temporalities; and a general understanding of the structure and organization of diocesan finances.
Our Parish Finance Council is appointed by the Pastor and meets at least quarterly. Deacon Alvin Clay and Jerry Powals, parish business manager, serve as consultants to the Council.

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