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What is Scrip?

Scrip is gift certificates/cards from national and local retailers. They’re the same gift certificates/cards that you buy at various stores located in the mall and surrounding area except they are conveniently located in the Parish for “one stop shopping”. Use them for any household purchase including food, clothing, toys, gifts, home improvements and dining out.
How scrip generates revenue for you and the Parish

Participating retailers agree to sell gift certificates/cards to Immaculate Conception at a discount. That discount is then shared between the Parish and the individual purchaser. The credits earned by the purchaser can be applied to ICS tuition, tuition at another Catholic school, redeemed for cash at 50% of the value or donated to another purchaser, school family or the Annual Fund. Statements will be provided which summarize your purchases and your cumulative credit.
Join today and put your regular shopping dollars to work. Help raise money for the Parish while reducing your tuition costs from the first dollar of scrip purchased. 
Getting Started

The first step is to create your free account by calling Mary Kate Guerin a 215-887-1501 to get the enrollment code.

Scrip Is Also Available in Person 
Monday through Friday 9 - 12 Pm & 1 – 3 PM @ the Rectory
Any questions, please contact Mary Kate Guerin at 215-887-1501 or


Please click on the links below to view and/or print Scrip Sales Sheets

Scrip Sales Sheet

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